Wednesday 18 April 2012


One can say the birth of internet was early 1990s even though it was brought ages ago , I’m saying this because by the 1990s many people were able to use the internet through Internet Explore and Netscape with search engines like google and yahoo at the other side to assist people to gather information in the easy way.
Internet have accommodated so many people since the 1990s as in today’s life everything is seem to be done by the internet and by 2006 1.076 billion Internet users world wide . Internet users have increased rapidly as in 1991 only 376 000 but now its billions ,the growth is so fast which is good because it shows people are moving with digital technology. As internet users increase the internet itself is also not the same as 17 years back by that time it use to take time to download an audio but now it’s a few seconds thing.
New media (the internet)has helped people to communicate no matter of the distance unlike cellphone where one is charged etra cash for communicating with someone abroad with internet is the very cheap this can be through the e-mails and other web related communication. As we all know that in today’s life time is the only thing that matters so the speed of internet help us to save time as things like researches which we use to use textbook can be done easily with internet
Who said buying Rovers you have to go to the USA?that’s not true trade are being done online and no need to stand on those long quees in the banks can do it while you sitting watching tv at home through internet …internet is here to change our life for good!

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